Defensible Deletion Methodology
How to Control Risk and Manage Expenses Associated with User Content

Author – Jim McGann, VP of Marketing, Index Engines

For decades, organizations have had strategies in place to protect and safeguard data. Enforcing those strategies, however, has been one of the greatest challenges faced by corporation over the past two decades. Users hoard data on desktops, including archiving email in local repositories known as pst’s. Every year, storage administrators add massive silos of disk to allow employees to save more and more files, even maintaining space for users that left the company years ago.  Archiving and records managers continually copy important documents and email into proprietary repositories for long term retention. Business continuity and backup administrators replicate all content on a weekly basis and archive data to offsite storage for safekeeping in case of a disaster.

Implementing a defensible deletion methodology not only mitigates long term risks and liabilities related to enterprise data assets, but also saves time and expense in supporting ongoing litigation and eDiscovery efforts, while reducing data center budget used for storing and managing data that is no longer useful.

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